accredited tutors

Who can you trust with your child’s education?

If we think back, we can all remember the impact of excellent teachers and the impact of terrible ones! Many

creative writing

Why creative writing should not be overlooked at school

In a world of standardised tests and automatic, technology-enabled processes, has creative writing been forgotten? Still an important discipline… Creative

brain games

Fun family games that are good for your brain

It’s nearly that time again… the new school year! We’ve now had a lovely long break, and in the few

how the brain works

Use the holidays to create space for the brain

A now well-researched field of study is how the brain thinks. It has been found that the ‘Default Mode Network’

early learning needs

Will your child be ready for school?

When children start school for the first time, they are suddenly immersed into a large group of children with varying

about your brain

Is your child a Kinaesthetic Learner?

Your learning style refers to the way in which you most easily and effectively absorb, process, comprehend and retain information (‘Learning

about your brain

Is your child a Visual Learner?

Your learning style refers to the way in which you most easily and effectively absorb, process, comprehend and retain information (‘Learning

about your brain

Is your child an Auditory Learner?

In Part 1 of this series, we introduced learning styles and how your child’s dominant style points to the types of