Reading Comprehension

Find out how My Academy Online Reading Comprehension Workshops can help your child.

Reading comprehension has often been seen as that easy thing to do in school where the student simply reads a text and answers the questions.  However, reading comprehension is not that simple for students wishing to join a Gifted and Talented Extension program!

What can a My Academy Online Reading Comprehension Workshop offer?

The reading comprehension questions mainly focus on inference and the ability to interpret the meaning behind the words.  When was the last time your child sat and read poetry and completely understood all of the metaphors?  In order to be fully competent in reading comprehension it is vital that the reader can understand everything in the text; the literal, implied and inferred meanings.  This is not only fantastic for preparation for the GATE (ASET) exam but it will also help with general reading comprehension skills in school.

Learning is most effective when it is interactive and engaging. Our workshops blend informative content with interactive activities that keep participants captivated. With group discussions and virtual debates, we ensure that each session is a dynamic learning experience. This approach not only bolsters comprehension but also cultivates critical thinking and communication skills.

How Can a My Academy Online Reading Comprehension Workshop help?

The Reading Comprehension Workshop covers the fundamentals of reading different genres and gaining the much needed understanding of texts. The students will be able to interpret the metaphors and know the difference between literal meaning and when the writer is just trying to paint a picture.  The students will experience a range of texts and work on developing inferential skills ready to tackle any questions that the GATE (ASET) exam may have.

The Reading Comprehension Workshops run in the July School Holidays.  If it is not showing as available, it is either after July or fully booked.  All workshops are uploaded to book at the start of March ready for the new GATE cohort.

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